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Get your Brand to Top of Google’s Search Results – Instantly


At Rise Effect, we understand the importance of getting your brand out there. The online world has recently become fiercely competitive for “views” and “shares”. What if you want to jump ahead and enjoy instant fame? Is there a way to skip the queue? Of course, there is. You can pay to have your advert displayed on the platform of your choice – Google Adwords, YouTube Ads, Facebook Ads (etc). We call this Pay Per Click or PPC Advertising. Our PPC management services place your advert at the top of search results – giving you better visibility.

How does it work?

PPC Advertising or Search Engine Marketing is a blanket term for digital advertising that guarantees results. SEO services can take time in producing results. And Where content marketing, as golden as it is, broadcasts in a general manner, PPC Advertising is far more focused, only displaying your ads to demographics interested in what you offer. It allows you to set a variable budget with total flexibility – we can rein it in or increase it, as you wish, keeping your brand at the forefront of your clients’ minds. 

What will I get out of it?

Our PPC management experts will strategize with you to find the most cost-effective approach. Because SEM marketing is so versatile, you can run campaigns based on your current business goals; for example, are you aiming for more sales? Increased brand awareness? We can tailor your audience, monitor your ads, tweak them as needed – and manipulate your campaigns to give you the most lucrative results. BOOM! You’re winning already. 

Wondering how powerful your campaigns are? We will send you a detailed report each month. You will be able to track how many people have viewed your ads (impressions) and how many conversions you have (actual sales) for enhanced profitability. And profit is what we’re all here for, right? 

Which platform is right for my business?

Every business niche is different. We get this. After all, we’re professionals – finding a creative solution to any challenge is what we have built our business on. This applies to Pay Per Click advertising too – certain brands simply perform better on certain platforms. 

When you approach us for the first time, you may not know which platform your brand will get the best ROI on. We will strategize alongside you, taking your industry, your business goals, and your past experiences into account. 

We work with the platforms that promise the most impressions for the lowest CPC:

  • Social Media Advertising – If you’re already posting on social media, a paid advertising campaign will drive your Page Likes up and boost sales on your website. We love paid advertising on Facebook because you can select the perfect audience. Not sure who your perfect audience maybe? We’ll use the data collected by Facebook to find those who are statistically most likely to make a purchase from you, ensuring you’re well-paid after each campaign. 

Facebook offers a variety of advert options based on your goals. The best part? The budget is 100% in your hands. Monitor every aspect of each campaign to find the highest yielding approach to social media PPC Advertising.

  • Google Ads – Display ads for products or services using their basic campaign plan, or run video ads on YouTube. Google has a variety of platforms you can choose from to display your ads, showing your ads only to those who are most likely to make a purchase. Google Ads works on a bidding system, the higher you bid the more likely your ads are to appear ahead of your competitors. With some clever manipulation (thanks to our vast experience in this sector), our Adwords management team will find you the best keywords at the lowest cost, keeping your ads visible for longer. 

Ready to Rock ‘n Roll? 

Increase your online presence

Increase your website traffic, online sales, and your brand presence with Rise Effect. With our cutting-edge technology and a team of experienced professionals, you can count on us to ensure your SEO is up to date.

Our approach to SEO starts with defining the search experience your customer and potential customers go through- from the top of the funnel to the bottom. We figure out where they hang out online, what resources they trust, and most importantly what content do they prefer. Our strategy and our proven methods will catapult your business or brand to the top. The rules of the SEO game are always changing, but our rebels stay one step ahead.


We have all heard the expression “Content is king”. At Rise Effect, we live and breathe this philosophy, and delivering high-quality content is what are all about. When you work with us you can expect content marketing services that will help you increase traffic to your website, spark conversations on social media, and of course, increase your sales and revenue. 

Our team of experienced writers will produce highly relevant content designed to engage your audience, build trust and loyalty and influence their choices to purchase from you. From strategy development to content writing, to pushing out your content on your website, blog, or social media- we have you covered every step of the way.

We understand that what works for one brand may not for the best solution for yours! So our team does a deep dive into the nuts and bolts of your brand and delivers content that will actually convert. Research has shown that the more content your audience consumes, the more likely they are to buy from you. Websites that produce regular content on their blogs receive 9x more traffic than those that don’t. With Rise Effect on your side, your competition doesn’t stand a chance.